Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trial and Error

I am new to both vegetable gardening and blogging.  This will be my third year to garden and my first day to blog.  I attended a few Saturday Texas Master Gardener workshops with my parents and armed with the knowledge of three Power Point presentations and six hours of Q&A I felt confident enought to try my hand at my first tomatoes, herbs, and peppers.  The first year's results were abysmal but I had a lot of fun and was I determined to improve.  I enjoyed it so much I decided to take the Texas Master Gardener classes this spring.  More on that later.

For 2011's garden I've seeded six types of heirloom tomatoes.  They are the Cherokee Purple, the Big Rainbow, the Mortgage Lifter, The Tiny Tim, and The San Marzano Redorta.  My dad started Yellow Pear and Golden Nugget plants for me so I'll plant what he gave me rather than try to seed them myself.  I'm also seeding some green peppers, sweep peppers, and zucchini.  I'll post pictures soon.

My objective with this blog is to have a record of my gardening trial and errors in Zone 9.  I encourage other gardeners to share comments and feedback.

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